Knowing Your Customer’s Desired Outcome Can Boost Your Traction

As an early-stage startup, one of the most important things you can do to achieve traction and growth is to understand your customer’s desired outcome. When you know what your customers want to achieve with your product or service, you can create a better user experience and offer more value to your customers. This, in turn, can lead to increased engagement, retention, and growth for your startup.

In this article, we will discuss why understanding your customer’s desired outcome is crucial for early traction and how you can go about learning what your customers want to achieve with your product or service.

Why Understanding Your Customer’s Desired Outcome is Crucial for Early Traction

Understanding your customer’s desired outcome is crucial for early traction for several reasons:

  1. Better Product-Market Fit: When you understand your customer’s desired outcome, you can create a product or service that better meets their needs. This can lead to a better product-market fit, which is essential for achieving traction and growth.
  2. Increased Engagement: When you create a product or service that meets your customer’s desired outcome, they are more likely to engage with your product or service. This can lead to increased usage and engagement, which can help drive early traction.
  3. Improved Retention: When you understand your customer’s desired outcome, you can create a product or service that provides more value to them. This can lead to improved retention, as your customers are more likely to stick with your product or service if they feel it helps them achieve their desired outcome.
  4. Positive Word-of-Mouth: When your customers achieve their desired outcome with your product or service, they are more likely to recommend it to others. This can lead to positive word-of-mouth, which can help drive early traction and growth.

Understanding the two parts of the customer’s desired outcome, namely the customer goal and appropriate experience, is essential in creating a product or service that meets their needs and expectations.

The customer goal is the desired end result that the customer wants to achieve by using a product or service. It is the reason why they are using the product or service in the first place. For example, if the customer is looking for a fitness app, their goal could be to lose weight, improve their overall health, or prepare for a competition.

The appropriate experience, on the other hand, is the way the customer wants to achieve their goal. It includes factors such as ease of use, speed, reliability, personalization, and aesthetics. For example, a fitness app may have various features that help the user track their progress, but if it’s difficult to navigate or has a slow loading time, the user may become frustrated and discontinue using the app.

By understanding the customer goal and appropriate experience, a business can tailor its product or service to meet those specific needs. This can lead to greater customer satisfaction, increased retention, and ultimately, higher revenue.

It is also important to note that the customer goal and appropriate experience may change over time. As a business evolves, so do the needs and expectations of its customers. Therefore, ongoing research and analysis of customer feedback is crucial in adapting to these changes and continuing to provide a product or service that meets the desired outcome.

How to Understand Your Customer’s Desired Outcome

So, how can you go about understanding your customer’s desired outcome? Here are a few ways:

  1. Customer Surveys: One of the easiest ways to understand your customer’s desired outcome is to ask them directly. You can use customer surveys to ask your customers what they are trying to achieve with your product or service, and what their goals and objectives are.
  2. Customer Interviews: Another way to understand your customer’s desired outcome is to conduct customer interviews. This allows you to have a more in-depth conversation with your customers and get a better understanding of their needs, goals, and objectives.
  3. User Testing: User testing can also be a great way to understand your customer’s desired outcome. By watching how your customers use your product or service, you can gain insights into what they are trying to achieve and what their pain points are.
  4. Analytics: Analytics can also provide insights into your customer’s desired outcome. By tracking user behavior and engagement, you can gain insights into what your customers are trying to achieve with your product or service.
  5. Social Listening: Social listening is another way to understand your customer’s desired outcome. By monitoring social media and online forums, you can gain insights into what your customers are saying about your product or service and what they are trying to achieve with it.

Putting Your Customer’s Desired Outcome into Action

Knowing your customer’s desired outcome is just the first step. You also need to put that knowledge into action in order to create a product or service that meets their needs and helps them achieve their goals. Here are some key steps you can take to put your customer’s desired outcome into action:

  1. Create a value proposition: A value proposition is a statement that explains what your product or service does, who it’s for, and why it’s better than other alternatives. It’s important to create a value proposition that speaks to your customer’s desired outcome. For example, if your customer’s desired outcome is to improve their productivity, your value proposition might focus on how your product can help them get more done in less time.
  2. Use customer feedback to inform product development: Your customers are the best source of information on what they want and need from your product. Use customer feedback to inform your product development process and ensure that you’re building a product that meets their needs.
  3. Conduct user testing: User testing involves having real users interact with your product and provide feedback. This is a great way to see if your product is meeting your customer’s desired outcome and identify areas for improvement.
  4. Focus on the user experience: The user experience is how your customers interact with your product or service. It’s important to focus on creating a positive user experience that helps your customers achieve their desired outcome. This might involve simplifying the user interface, streamlining the onboarding process, or providing helpful resources and tutorials.
  5. Measure success based on customer outcomes: In order to determine if your product is meeting your customer’s desired outcome, you need to measure success based on their outcomes, not just your own metrics. For example, if your customer’s desired outcome is to improve their fitness, your success metric might be the number of pounds they’ve lost or the number of workouts they’ve completed.
  6. Iterate and improve: The process of putting your customer’s desired outcome into action is an ongoing one. You need to continually iterate and improve your product or service based on customer feedback and outcomes. This might involve adding new features, improving the user experience, or changing your value proposition based on new insights.

Overall, putting your customer’s desired outcome into action is key to creating a successful product or service. By focusing on your customer’s needs and goals, you can create a product that truly meets their needs and helps them achieve their desired outcome.

Here are 10 examples of real startups that leveraged their customer’s desired outcome to boost early traction:

  1. Airbnb – By understanding that their customers’ desired outcome was not just to have a place to stay, but to have a unique and authentic experience while traveling, Airbnb was able to create a platform that connects travelers with local hosts who offer personalized experiences.
  2. HubSpot – HubSpot recognized that their customers’ desired outcome was to attract and convert more leads into customers. With this in mind, they created a suite of inbound marketing tools that help businesses optimize their online presence to attract more leads and turn them into customers.
  3. Dropbox – Dropbox recognized that their customers’ desired outcome was to have a secure and easy-to-use file sharing and storage platform. By creating a simple and intuitive platform that seamlessly integrates with other tools, Dropbox was able to gain a significant market share in the file sharing and storage space.
  4. Headspace – Headspace understood that their customers’ desired outcome was to improve their mental health and wellbeing. By creating a meditation and mindfulness app that is easy to use and personalized to each user, Headspace was able to gain a large and dedicated user base.
  5. Hootsuite – Hootsuite recognized that their customers’ desired outcome was to efficiently manage their social media presence. By creating a platform that allows businesses to manage multiple social media accounts from one place, Hootsuite was able to become a go-to solution for social media management.
  6. Casper – Casper understood that their customers’ desired outcome was to have a comfortable and restful sleep. By creating a high-quality mattress that is designed to provide optimal comfort and support, Casper was able to disrupt the traditional mattress industry and gain a significant market share.
  7. Slack – Slack recognized that their customers’ desired outcome was to have a seamless and efficient communication platform for their teams. By creating a messaging app that integrates with other productivity tools and allows for easy collaboration, Slack was able to become a leading team communication platform.
  8. Peloton – Peloton understood that their customers’ desired outcome was to have a convenient and engaging way to exercise at home. By creating a high-tech exercise bike that allows users to participate in live and on-demand classes, Peloton was able to become a highly sought-after fitness brand.
  9. Warby Parker – Warby Parker recognized that their customers’ desired outcome was to have affordable and stylish eyewear. By creating a direct-to-consumer model that eliminates markups and offering a wide range of stylish frames, Warby Parker was able to disrupt the traditional eyewear industry.
  10. Uber – Uber understood that their customers’ desired outcome was to have a convenient and affordable way to get around. By creating a ride-sharing platform that connects drivers with riders and offers competitive pricing, Uber was able to transform the transportation industry.

The mix-up between Knowing Your Customer’s Desired Outcome and customer pain point can occur because they are related but distinct concepts. While customer pain points refer to the problems, challenges, or frustrations that customers face, the desired outcome refers to the results, benefits, or solutions that customers are looking to achieve.

One reason for the mix-up could be that addressing customer pain points is often a way to help customers achieve their desired outcomes. For example, a customer may have a pain point of not being able to effectively manage their time, and their desired outcome is to be more productive. A product or service that helps them manage their time more effectively would address their pain point and help them achieve their desired outcome.

Another reason for the mix-up could be that some startups may focus too much on the customer pain points without understanding the desired outcome. They may be so focused on solving the immediate problem that they overlook the larger goal or objective the customer is trying to achieve. This can lead to a product or service that addresses the pain point but does not ultimately meet the customer’s desired outcome.

Therefore, it is important for startups to understand both the pain points and desired outcomes of their customers to develop products and services that effectively address their needs and provide value. By understanding both concepts, startups can create solutions that not only solve immediate problems but also help customers achieve their larger goals and objectives.

SaaS free trials – consideration to all of the different participants in the evaluation and buying process

When it comes to SaaS free trials, it is essential to consider all of the different participants in the evaluation and buying process. This includes not just the end-users, but also decision-makers, influencers, and other stakeholders who may be involved in the process.

For example, the end-user may be an individual who is interested in trying out the software to see if it meets their needs. However, they may also need to get buy-in from their manager or other decision-makers before they can make a purchase. In this case, it is important to provide resources and information that will help the end-user make a strong case for the software to their colleagues.

Similarly, there may be influencers in the buying process who can help to advocate for the software and provide feedback to decision-makers. These influencers may include industry experts, analysts, or other individuals who have experience with similar software and can provide insights into the value of the product.

It is also important to consider the needs of decision-makers, who may be looking for specific features, functionality, or other benefits from the software. By understanding the needs of all stakeholders, SaaS companies can tailor their free trial offerings to address the specific pain points and goals of each participant in the buying process.

To effectively engage all stakeholders in the free trial process, SaaS companies may use a variety of strategies, such as:

  1. Creating targeted messaging and resources for different stakeholders, such as case studies, white papers, or product demos.
  2. Providing clear documentation and support for end-users, including tutorials, help center articles, and user guides.
  3. Offering personalized outreach to decision-makers and influencers, such as scheduling calls or meetings to discuss the software and answer questions.
  4. Using social proof and testimonials to demonstrate the value of the software to potential buyers.
  5. Offering flexible pricing and subscription options to accommodate different budget constraints and organizational needs.

By considering the needs of all participants in the evaluation and buying process, SaaS companies can increase the likelihood of successful conversions from their free trials. By providing targeted resources and support, and demonstrating the value of the software through social proof and personalized outreach, SaaS companies can build trust and engagement with potential buyers, leading to increased adoption and revenue growth.

Rethinking Active Users: A New Definition for Measuring User Engagement

The term “active user” is widely used in the software industry to measure the popularity and success of a product. However, the definition of an active user is often oversimplified, leading to inaccurate measurements of customer engagement and product success. To address this issue, a better definition of an active user is needed.

Instead of defining an active user as someone who simply logs into the product or uses it for a minimum amount of time, a more accurate definition of an active user should consider the level of engagement and value they derive from the product. This means taking into account factors such as the frequency and duration of usage, the features they use, the actions they take within the product, and the outcomes they achieve.

For example, a user who logs into the product once a month for a minute or two is not necessarily an active user, as they are not deriving any significant value from the product. On the other hand, a user who logs in multiple times a week, spends a significant amount of time using various features, and achieves positive outcomes is a much more engaged and active user.

A better definition of an active user should also consider the context in which the product is being used. Different products have different usage patterns and user expectations. For instance, a productivity tool might be used daily for several hours, while a social media platform might be used for shorter, more frequent sessions throughout the day.

Another factor to consider is the type of user. For example, a paying customer who uses the product regularly and derives significant value from it should be considered more active than a non-paying user who only uses the product occasionally.

By taking these factors into account, a more nuanced and accurate definition of an active user can be developed. This definition should focus on measuring the level of engagement and value users derive from the product, rather than simply the frequency of usage or login activity.

This more accurate definition of an active user can help businesses to better understand their customers’ behaviors and needs. It can also inform product development and marketing strategies, as it provides a more detailed and nuanced view of customer engagement and success. Ultimately, this can lead to better customer experiences, increased customer loyalty, and more sustainable business growth.

Why Your Customers’ Engagement is More Complex Than Binary

The concept of active users is often used as a key metric for evaluating the success of a product or service. However, it is essential to understand that the state of a customer is never binary. Just because a user is considered “active” does not necessarily mean they are truly engaged or satisfied with the product.

Active users are typically defined as those who have logged into the product or service within a certain timeframe. However, this definition fails to capture the nuances of user behavior and satisfaction. For example, a user may log in frequently but only use a small subset of the product’s features, indicating that they are not fully engaged with the product. On the other hand, a user may log in infrequently but use a wide range of features, indicating a high level of engagement.

Furthermore, a user may continue to log in to a product or service out of habit or necessity, rather than because they genuinely enjoy using it. In this case, the user is technically active, but they are not truly engaged or satisfied with the product.

The state of a customer is much more complex than simply “active” or “inactive.” Instead, it is essential to consider a range of factors, such as the user’s behavior, preferences, and feedback. By doing so, companies can gain a more nuanced understanding of their customers and their needs, and tailor their products and services accordingly.

One way to measure engagement beyond active users is through usage data analysis. By tracking user behavior within the product, such as the specific features and workflows they use most often, companies can gain insights into what users find most valuable and where they may be experiencing friction. This data can then be used to improve the product and create a more engaging user experience.

Another important factor to consider is user feedback. Surveys, focus groups, and other feedback mechanisms can provide valuable insights into what users like and dislike about a product or service. By incorporating user feedback into the product development process, companies can create a product that better meets the needs and preferences of their users.

Finally, it is important to remember that the state of a customer is not fixed. Users may become more engaged or disengaged over time, depending on their evolving needs and preferences. Therefore, it is essential to continually monitor and measure user behavior and feedback to ensure that the product remains relevant and engaging.

In conclusion, while active users are a commonly used metric for measuring product success, they are not a sufficient indicator of user engagement or satisfaction. Instead, companies must take a more nuanced approach to understanding their users, incorporating usage data analysis, user feedback, and ongoing monitoring to create a product that meets their evolving needs and preferences. By doing so, companies can create a more engaging and satisfying user experience, leading to greater long-term success.